Last Updated: February 14, 2015 (fixed broken EDA Playground link)
This post will add back-door access to the registers defined in Register Abstraction. With a few additional lines of code, you can access the registers through the back door.
We use the same DUT (jelly_bean_taster
) as defined in Register Abstraction. The DUT has two registers as shown below.
(lines 4 to 8).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | module jelly_bean_taster( jelly_bean_if.slave_mp jb_if ); import jelly_bean_pkg::*; reg [1:0] taste; // TASTE register reg [2:0] flavor; // RECIPE register reg [1:0] color; reg sugar_free; reg sour; reg [1:0] command; initial begin flavor = 0; color = 0; sugar_free = 0; sour = 0; command = 0; taste = 0; end always @ ( posedge jb_if.clk ) begin if ( jb_if.command == JB_WRITE ) begin flavor < = jb_if.flavor; color <= jb_if.color; sugar_free <= jb_if.sugar_free; sour <= jb_if.sour; end else if ( jb_if.command == JB_READ ) begin jb_if.taste <= #2ns taste; end end always @ ( posedge jb_if.clk ) begin if ( jb_if.flavor == CHOCOLATE && jb_if.sour ) taste <= YUCKY; else if ( jb_if.flavor != NO_FLAVOR ) taste <= YUMMY; end endmodule: jelly_bean_taster |
The top-level testbench instantiates the jelly_bean_taster
as the dut
(line 6).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | module top; import uvm_pkg::*; reg clk; jelly_bean_if jb_if( clk ); jelly_bean_taster dut( jb_if ); // DUT initial begin // clock clk = 1; forever #5ns clk = ! clk; end initial begin // waveform $dumpfile( "dump.vcd" ); $dumpvars( 0, top ); end initial begin uvm_config_db#( virtual jelly_bean_if )::set( .cntxt( null ), .inst_name( "uvm_test_top*" ), .field_name( "jb_if" ), .value( jb_if ) ); run_test(); end endmodule: top |
Register Block
To access the DUT registers through the back door, we need to inform the register block about its corresponding HDL path (line 27). In our case, the hierarchical HDL path corresponding to the register block is "top.dut"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | class jelly_bean_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block; `uvm_object_utils( jelly_bean_reg_block ) rand jelly_bean_recipe_reg jb_recipe_reg; rand jelly_bean_taste_reg jb_taste_reg; uvm_reg_map reg_map; function new( string name = "jelly_bean_reg_block" ); .name( name ), .has_coverage( UVM_NO_COVERAGE ) ); endfunction: new virtual function void build(); jb_recipe_reg = jelly_bean_recipe_reg::type_id::create( "jb_recipe_reg" ); jb_recipe_reg.configure( .blk_parent( this ) );; jb_taste_reg = jelly_bean_taste_reg::type_id::create( "jb_taste_reg" ); jb_taste_reg.configure( .blk_parent( this ) );; reg_map = create_map( .name( "reg_map" ), .base_addr( 8'h00 ), .n_bytes( 1 ), .endian( UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN ) ); reg_map.add_reg( .rg( jb_recipe_reg ), .offset( 8'h00 ), .rights( "WO" ) ); reg_map.add_reg( .rg( jb_taste_reg ), .offset( 8'h01 ), .rights( "RO" ) ); // for back-door access add_hdl_path( .path( "top.dut" ) ); lock_model(); // finalize the address mapping endfunction: build endclass: jelly_bean_reg_block |
We also need to inform each register abstraction class about the HDL path to the register field (line 31). In our case, the taste
register field corresponds to the taste
in the DUT.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | class jelly_bean_taste_reg extends uvm_reg; `uvm_object_utils( jelly_bean_taste_reg ) rand uvm_reg_field taste; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: new //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function new( string name = "jelly_bean_taste_reg" ); .name( name ), .n_bits( 2 ), .has_coverage( UVM_NO_COVERAGE ) ); endfunction: new //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: build //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual function void build(); taste = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( "taste" ); taste.configure( .parent ( this ), .size ( 2 ), .lsb_pos ( 0 ), .access ( "RO" ), .volatile ( 1 ), .reset ( 0 ), .has_reset ( 1 ), .is_rand ( 0 ), .individually_accessible( 0 ) ); // for back-door access add_hdl_path_slice( .name( "taste" ), .offset( 0 ), .size( 2 ) ); endfunction: build endclass: jelly_bean_taste_reg |
We set the HDL paths to the RECIPE register, too (lines 66 to 69). In this case, we add four HDL paths (one path per DUT reg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | class jelly_bean_recipe_reg extends uvm_reg; `uvm_object_utils( jelly_bean_recipe_reg ) rand uvm_reg_field flavor; rand uvm_reg_field color; rand uvm_reg_field sugar_free; rand uvm_reg_field sour; constraint flavor_color_con { flavor.value != NO_FLAVOR; flavor.value == APPLE -> color.value != BLUE; flavor.value == BLUEBERRY -> color.value == BLUE; flavor.value < = CHOCOLATE; } function new( string name = "jelly_bean_recipe_reg" ); .name( name ), .n_bits( 7 ), .has_coverage( UVM_NO_COVERAGE ) ); endfunction: new virtual function void build(); flavor = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( "flavor" ); flavor.configure( .parent ( this ), .size ( 3 ), .lsb_pos ( 0 ), .access ( "WO" ), .volatile ( 0 ), .reset ( 0 ), .has_reset ( 1 ), .is_rand ( 1 ), .individually_accessible( 0 ) ); color = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( "color" ); color.configure( .parent ( this ), .size ( 2 ), .lsb_pos ( 3 ), .access ( "WO" ), .volatile ( 0 ), .reset ( 0 ), .has_reset ( 1 ), .is_rand ( 1 ), .individually_accessible( 0 ) ); sugar_free = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( "sugar_free" ); sugar_free.configure( .parent ( this ), .size ( 1 ), .lsb_pos ( 5 ), .access ( "WO" ), .volatile ( 0 ), .reset ( 0 ), .has_reset ( 1 ), .is_rand ( 1 ), .individually_accessible( 0 ) ); sour = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( "sour" ); sour.configure( .parent ( this ), .size ( 1 ), .lsb_pos ( 6 ), .access ( "WO" ), .volatile ( 0 ), .reset ( 0 ), .has_reset ( 1 ), .is_rand ( 1 ), .individually_accessible( 0 ) ); // for back-door access add_hdl_path_slice( .name( "flavor" ), .offset( 0 ), .size( 3 ) ); add_hdl_path_slice( .name( "color" ), .offset( 3 ), .size( 2 ) ); add_hdl_path_slice( .name( "sugar_free" ), .offset( 5 ), .size( 1 ) ); add_hdl_path_slice( .name( "sour" ), .offset( 6 ), .size( 1 ) ); endfunction: build endclass: jelly_bean_recipe_reg |
That’s about all you need. Let’s test the back door.
Register Sequence
This sequence demonstrates several ways to access the registers through the back door. As a refresher, we access the registers through the front door first.
- The line 24 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class to write to the RECIPE register. - The line 27 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class to read from the TASTE register.
Then, we write the RECIPE register through the back door in three different ways.
- The line 32 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class. - The line 36 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class with theUVM_BACKDOOR
option. - The line 41 uses the
task of theuvm_reg
class with theUVM_BACKDOOR
Similarly, we read the TASTE register through the back door in three different ways.
- The line 46 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class. - The line 49 uses the
task of theuvm_reg_sequence
class with theUVM_BACKDOOR
option. - The line 52 uses the
task of theuvm_reg
class with theUVM_BACKDOOR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | class jelly_bean_reg_sequence extends uvm_reg_sequence; `uvm_object_utils( jelly_bean_reg_sequence ) function new( string name = "" ); name ); endfunction: new virtual task body(); jelly_bean_reg_block jb_reg_block; flavor_e flavor; color_e color; bit sugar_free; bit sour; uvm_status_e status; uvm_reg_data_t value; $cast( jb_reg_block, model ); flavor = APPLE; color = GREEN; sugar_free = 0; sour = 1; // front-door write write_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_recipe_reg, status, { sour, sugar_free, color, flavor } ); // front-door read read_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_taste_reg, status, value ); #20ns ; // back-door writes flavor = BLUEBERRY; poke_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_recipe_reg, status, { sour, sugar_free, color, flavor } ); #10ns ; flavor = BUBBLE_GUM; write_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_recipe_reg, status, { sour, sugar_free, color, flavor }, UVM_BACKDOOR ); #10ns ; flavor = CHOCOLATE; jb_reg_block.jb_recipe_reg.write( status, { sour, sugar_free, color, flavor }, UVM_BACKDOOR, .parent( this ) ); #10ns ; // back-door reads peek_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_taste_reg, status, value ); assert( value == YUMMY ); read_reg( jb_reg_block.jb_taste_reg, status, value, UVM_BACKDOOR ); assert( value == YUMMY ); status, value, UVM_BACKDOOR, .parent( this ) ); assert( value == YUMMY ); #10ns ; endtask: body endclass: jelly_bean_reg_sequence |
Here is an annotated waveform. The front-door access uses the jb_if
, whereas the back-door access directly updates the register value of the DUT. Note that back-door writing CHOCOLATE
to the flavor
field does not update the taste
field of the DUT even though the DUT is supposed to respond YUCKY
to the combination of sour
. This is because the DUT updates the taste
field in response to the value on the jb_if
, but not to the internal RECIPE register values.
You can view and run the code on EDA Playground.
Great work….Hope you may start tutorial on SV
Thank you for your comment. Several people have asked me a SystemVerilog tutorial. I am planning it, so stay tuned!
Ya. I will be waiting for your SV tutorial too. Thanks.
Thanks for your article on the back door. I am curious to know what is the use case of back door register access. Actually i am new to uvm and ramping on uvm RAL. If there is a status register in dut whose value change due to some input, I can equally change the status register vlaue in register model by accessing the register from the model in tb using get_reg_by_name for a particular register.
So I am bit confused as to how and why to use the back door.
Question2: If via a interface I change the register value then in the model which value get updated desired or mirror value or both? My requirement is to write into register and read back and compare the read value to reference value which was written earlier.
Question3 : I have a generic question on the write functions to write. Is it always I need to use this function to write into register in dut and update the data in register model. I mean I have a adapter and I send a I2C write into a register via driver. So will the equvivalent register not get update in the register model? if reg data is updated Will the update be for desired and mirror value in model. Just curious to know if I always need write read and update functions to update data in model.
to your I2C monitor, the desired and mirrored values of the model are updated at every I2C read/write regardless of accessing the register by RAL functions or not, because the monitor captures all I2C transactions.your_reg_map.set_auto_predict( .on( 1 ) )
, the values of the model will be updated only when you use RAL read/write.Hi
Thanks for your inputs.
I have a particular register write read scenario :
When I send 2 commands then a register is addressed and next 8 bits data is written into this register in DUT. Now how should I write the regsiter definition for this register in RAL?
Usually I used to have one command and data. The command is the address of register and data is stored of this register.
I am not able to get how to implement RAL register defn. for this kind of register.
I mean address definition of this register in RAL.
Please help.
I think you can define the registers in RAL as if you directly access them. Then, one solution would be to implement a register adapter that converts a register read/write into two bus transactions (one for a command and the other for data), and vice versa. Let me put this into my To Do list of future articles.
Clarification : So you can only peek(quickly see) the data from the DUT register via back door and you cannot modify the data in that register via back door.
Am I right ?
You can do both peek (read) and poke (write) through the back door.
Hi Shimizu,
Thank you for writing such a great article about backdoor access. I’m new to UVM and just started to implement backdoor access on both register block level and register level.
I have a question about if it possible for me to implement backdoor write on each bit of a register. I want to implement a bit bash test on several registers in UVM using backdoor access instead of using .start() to use apb bus and master sequencer. Is it possible? I didn’t find out any way to access each bits on registers right now.
Thank you.
As far as I know the smallest unit you can peek/poke is a uvm_reg_field, but not a bit.
I need to use the registers file in 2 contexts:
1. In the block level simulation.
2. In the fullchip simulation.
The path of the registers block is different in each context.
How do you advise to set the hdl path?
Can the add_hdl_path() method get a variable argument?
Should I use `ifdef to distinguish between the 2 contexts?
I think the easiest way would be using the
function of theuvm_reg_block
to specify the absolute HDL path to the registers. For example, you can set the block-level path asjb_reg_block.set_hdl_path_root( "dut" )
, whereas you can set the chip-level path as something likejb_reg_block.set_hdl_path_root( "fullchip.dut" )
.Hello Keisuke Shimizu,
I am getting an error while accessing dutregister via backdoor as :-
UVM_ERROR: get: unable to locate hdl path dut.flavor
# Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name
I have even used the set_backdoor method within the register model but If I use it I am getting the error
UVM_FATAL verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/reg/uvm_reg_backdoor.svh(329) @ 0: reporter [RegModel] uvm_reg_backdoor::write() method has not been overloaded
whenever I am using any access method from the sequence.
What can be the probable issue?
Thanks in advance.
I got the issue resolved, Actually you have instantiated the DUT as “dut” in module top, however when you are setting the path in add_hdl_path method its just written as “dut”, this gives the error
UVM_ERROR: get: unable to locate hdl path dut.flavor
# Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name
Actually it should be “top.dut” .
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Shreemant,
You are right. I have corrected the path. Thank you for pointing this out.
Hi Keisuke San,
I have a question on how to integrate the mulitple env together. For example, I have a spi env, and a gpio env. Each of them has there regmodel and adapter. When I have created a top_reg_model to include spi_regmodel and gpio_regmodel, and I used map.add_submap to properly pass the offset to the, and gpio_regmodel. If I already have a spi_reg_test_seq which call reg_write(spi_regmodel.spi0, …), is there a way to reuse the test for my top_reg_model? Or do I need to rewrite to
reg_write(top_reg_model.spi_regmodel.spi0, ….)?
Many thanks.
You don’t need to modify the sequences at all. I assume your
is a subclass of theuvm_reg_sequence
. In your SPI test, you probably did something like:If you modify this to something like:
you should be OK.
Keisuke san,
Great. Many thanks.
Thank you for this very interesting tutorial.
I am experimenting backdoor write access in my reg_model. It works fine for all registers that have a 0 reset value, but not for registers that have a non-zero value (reset field set to e.g. ‘h86, has_reset field set to 1). For these registers, the backdoor read access works fine, but the backdoor write access leads to a wrong value. It seems the force applied on the backdoor is incorrect.
Are you aware of known limitations with non-zero reset ? Am I missing some configuration somewhere ?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Having non-zero reset value should not affect the behavior of the back-door write. I changed my candy example to have a non-zero reset value, but both back-door read and write seemed to be fine. How did you know the back-door write did not work? By looking at the waveform? If you can post the read/write procedure you used, I might be able to figure out.
Well. I have investigated this a bit further and it appeared that everything was correct until the call to uvm_hdl_deposit. And in fact, the problem is related to the simulation tool I am using (QuestaSim) and from the fact that the DUT is written in VHDL using std_ulogic_vector type. Changing to std_logic_vector solved the bug, but that was not acceptable for us. Changing the default radix for waveforms from hexadecimal to binary (sic!) magically solved the backdoor problem (I would not have imagined this without the help of Mentor support…). In the end, registers with a null reset value were passing my tests even with a wrong backdoor access. I would have found this only much later if all registers were reset to zero. That’s why annoys me most.
The positive side is that I had to dig a little bit in the UVM code. Sometimes it is as valuable as text books ! 🙂
hi ,
thank you for this valuable tutorial……..i am getting error to run this code…what should i do?……….
Attempting to place a value into top.dut.flavor which does not have write access.
./, 9:
Attempting to place a value into top.dut.color which does not have write access.
./, 10:
Attempting to place a value into top.dut.sugar_free which does not have write access.
./, 11:
Attempting to place a value into top.dut.sour which does not have write access.
———————————————————–in reg definition file……………………………
virtual function void build();
flavor = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( “flavor” );
flavor.configure( .parent ( this ),
.size ( 3 ),
.lsb_pos ( 0 ),
.access ( “WO” ), //this is write accessible
.volatile ( 0 ),
.reset ( 0 ),
.has_reset ( 1 ),
.is_rand ( 1 ),
.individually_accessible( 1 ) );
color = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create( “color” );
color.configure( .parent ( this ),
.size ( 2 ),
.lsb_pos ( 3 ),
.access ( “WO” ), //this is write accessible
.volatile ( 0 ),
.reset ( 0 ),
.has_reset ( 1 ),
.is_rand ( 1 ),
.individually_accessible( 1 ) );
Try this option,
-access +rw
, when you run a simulation.Hi,
thanks for your reply…….it works …………please elaborate more operation with example like mirror(),update() etc
thanks again for this most useful tutorial
methods are explained in Register Access Methods. If you need more clarification, please let me know.Hi,
i got little bit idea from “Register Access Methods” .But i want some sort of coding example as you describe for backdoor operation.
This is one way of writing to a register in the DUT.
You can do the same thing with the
task.One difference is that if the mirrored value of the register model is equal to the value specified by the
function, theupdate
task won’t write to the register in the DUT (because RAL assumes the DUT already has that value). On the other hand, thewrite
task always writes to the DUT regardless of the specified value.Similarly, this is one way of reading from a register in the DUT.
You can do the same thing with the
task.Both the
tasks always read from the DUT. You can check the read value against the current mirrored value ifcheck
. Default isUVM_NO_CHECK
.Hi Keisuke,
Thanks for to the point explanation. Rally such a nice articles this one and Register Access Methods. Actually, I am new to the RAL and went through UVM user guide, Reference manual and src/reg/* files but finally I satisfied with these articles presented over here on RAL.
Thanks once again. And keep writing
Hi Keisuke,
I need your help in implementing I2C protocol based Register write and read functions using UVM. I think bus2reg and reg2bus functions should be changed. Apart from these changes what else should be implemented. Please me out, how to proceed?
If you already have the transaction, driver, sequencer, and monitor for the I2C, you are pretty much ready to go once you implement the reg adapter. Let me know if you have further questions.
Hi Keisuke,
I am learning UVM RAL and found your tutorials are giving me a great help to understand quickly. On the backdoor access I have a doubt,
Suppose My testbench components are packed in test_pkg and this package is imported inside TOP module where DUT and Interfaces are instantiated. Our UVM_RAL is also inside in test_pkg. Now to give backdoor access to UVM_RAL, we’ve to provide direct RTL submodule path from TOP, but as per my knowledge we can’t access the RTL hierarchy from package. So in that case how can we use RAL?
Sorry for the slow reply. Since we add the HDL path as a string, not directly accessing the module hierarchy, you should be able to specify the path from within a package.
while implementing reg model i got several run time errors what could be the reason ??
UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test hpdmc_base_test…
# include_coverage not located
# did you mean cvif?
# did you mean dvif?
# include_coverage not located
# did you mean cvif?
# did you mean dvif?
# UVM_ERROR C:/questasim_10.0b/uvm-1.0p1/uvm_pkg/reg/uvm_reg.svh(1239) @ 0: reporter [RegModel] Field cke_control overlaps field reset in register “sys_r”
Remaining things done at nxt class which is not included in this code
function takesparent
, etc. as the arguments in this order. Your code configures thereset
to be at the bit 1 ofsys_reg
, and thecke_control
to be at bit 1 and 0. The overlapped bit 1 caused theUVM_ERROR
.Hi Keishuke-san,
I have question/comment on the hdl_path_slice specification that associates a register field with a DUT reg.
It seems to me it would make more sense for it to be done at the instantiation of the register in reg_block and not in the definition of the register.
I have a situation where the same register layout to be used multiple times in the register map.
I will have one register definition and instantiate it as many times as I need within a loop in the reg_block.
I do not have a one to one association between the register field definition and the DUT reg.
Am I seeing this correctly? If so, is there a way to get around this?
You don’t have to call the
from within the register model. In my new article, Backdoor HDL Path, I moved up theadd_hdl_path_slice
to the test level. As long as you have a physical register that corresponds to the model, you should be able to specify the HDL path.Great job…
What is the use of add_submap when you have create_map
Also clarify what is meant by default_map
Suppose you have a register block (

) that has two sub-register blocks (blk_b
). Like theadd_reg()
adds a register to a register map, theadd_submap()
adds a register map to its parent register map (see the figure below).The
is used if no register map is specified for a register operation such asread()
. If you do not assign thedefault_map
, the first register map created for a register block is assigned to thedefault_map
.Hi Shimizu,
Thanks for your explanation.
I have one more doubt regarding backdoor access
I have one IP where the registers are not in one file and they are scattered
All these registers are brought into some module using its “input” wires
If both the register fields and the register available in the same module (or file.v) i can specify the path
If the register fields are coming from different modules, then how shall i specify the hierarchical path
Please suggest in this case
My new article, Backdoor HDL Path, might help. Basically, you can specify the source of the register fields like:
Hi Keisuke, I did a add_hdl_path for my register model, and I am trying to do a backdoor read of a register from my scoreboard.
I am calling these in a function, and I am getting a compile error saying that is a time consuming task and cannot be called from function.
Because the
is a task, you cannot call it from a function.Hi Keisuke,
Great work ..
I have one question for register map.
I have two maps defined in my register model spi and ahb and there can by more maps in future.
I am using built-in sequence for register “uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq” and “uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq” . I observed all these built-in sequences traverse through all the maps for the addresses. Is there any way to select any one map for above sequences ?
I already tried using “set_default_map(ahb_map)” in my test before starting the sequence but it didn’t work. Can you please let me know if there any way to select this ?
As far as I know, there is no easy way to select a register map for these sequences once a register was added to multiple register maps.